The Complete Guide to Contract Drafting Technology
Edition 2024

While drafting, but especially when the substantive content of a contract has been finalized, lawyers will want to make sure that the typical errors that occur while drafting are removed from a document.
These types of errors are legion, but most lawyers will recognize the typical issues with broken cross-references, inconsistent use of semicolons in bulleted enumerations, inconsistencies between capitalised terminology and defined terms, removing double spacing, and more.
Usually these kinds of checks are the tasks of junior lawyers. Fortunately, many of these problems can be detected automatically with the right tools. Below, we set out a few of them.
As part of its Definely Proof product, Definely offers a range of different ways to ensure quality documents with no setup required.
Definely’s offer centres around the following automated proofreading checks:
Ultimately, though, these are mostly edge cases (sorry, Germany), so this will still be a valuable addition to any lawyers’ drafting arsenal.
Among Litera Check's styling functionalities, you can also find features for defined term issues, editing mistakes and inconsistent phrases or incomplete items.
ClauseBuddy includes a wide range of functionalities to automatically detect commonly made errors.
Unlike other tools, the user experience for this module consists of a one-click review to enhance the user friendliness.