Get inspired by 260.000+ sample contracts
ClauseBase publishes a visually searchable collection of high-quality contracts, as inspiration for lawyers worldwide. Free of charge.
Maarten Truyens
February 2, 2023
Full disclosure: This review is written by ClauseBase, a vendor of legal drafting & reviewing software. It is part of a series of reviews in which we unveil how certain (competing) software packages work from a technical perspective, particularly those that themselves remain fairly silent on this subject. It is our intention to be honest in unveiling how everything works, stating both what's good and bad about the technical choices that were made by the vendor. However, as the respective vendors remain silent on technical details, the reviews are based on a combination of discussions with users, lawyers who attented demos, limited interactions we had ourselves, as well as knowledge we have ourselves about the various tradeoffs associated with the technologies being used. If you're the vendor of the product that's being reviewed, and you would spot mistakes, please let us know.
Today, ClauseBase publishes a free inspiration tool for legal experts worldwide. Using the revolutionary Clause Hunt technology, you can visually search through 260.000+ sample contracts in English, to find your ideal clause.
The contracts were carefully selected from the SEC's EDGAR collection, so they are written by the best US law firms. The contracts focus mostly on corporate law, commercial law and employment law.
Best of all, this new feature is completely free. Simply create a free ClauseBuddy account, and you are good to go!