Dive into your drafting history! ClauseBuddy offers you two different ways to "hunt" for clauses and draw inspiration from previously drafted documents.
Clause Hunt automatically extracts clauses from hundreds or thousands old documents (MS Word, PDF, and even scans). The software quickly lines up similar clauses, so you can quickly determine which clause to choose.
When you upload documents into Truffle Hunt, ClauseBuddy will automatically extract relevant text fragments and package them into individual clauses. You can then search for golden nuggets from the past — truffles — using keyword search, or instead use an intelligent AI-driven similarity search to find similar clauses.
Thanks to ClauseBuddy's layout-awareness, newly inserted clauses will automatically match the styling of your existing document.
With Truffle Hunt's documents mode, you can visually search for the perfect document to start from. Browsing through your precedents — whether DOCX, PDF or scans — was never this easy.
You can immediately see where your keywords are located in the text, and how they cluster together.
With the click of a button, you can create a copy to use in your next drafting task.
Once you found a good clause, you can immediately insert a clause into your Word document (or Outlook email).
Inside ClauseBuddy, you get millions of examples clauses for free from the largest contract repository in the world.
Search for keywords, filter on document metadata, and insert clauses with the click of a button.
Search through millions of pages in a fraction of a second. Smoothly scroll through the hotspots of each document.
Search for grammatical variations, and for words that appear near each other.
Search specifically for defined terms listed in definition lists.
You can upload new documents as email-attachments sent to specially crafted email addresses.
Directly select & send documents from your iManage workspace into Truffle Hunt.
Segment your documents into different silos — for example per legal department. Enforce access controls, so that only some users can upload or remove documents.